‌Gut bacteria can make you drunk without drinking alcohol. ‌

Bacteria in your gut can get you you drunk without drinking and can damage your  liver even if you have never touched alcohol.

This is a rare condition called as auto brewery syndrome. In this condition your body brews its own alcohol from sugar.

‌The human gut is home to over 35000  bacterial species. Many of these gut microbes produce alcohol from sugar in humans. But they usually do this at very low levels. The boozy by products of these microbes are easily removed by the the liver.

 ‌In auto brewery  syndrome a specific type of bacteria get super active. This bacterium known as klebsiella pneumoniae, is commonly found in the human gut. In people with auto brewery syndrome, k. Pneumoniae generate 4 to 6 times more alcohol as compared to the bacterial strains found in in healthy people. same bacteria is also responsible for Non alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD).

‌An excess of alcohol  in the body can lead to buildup of fats in the liver in the liver. Researchers sampled gut bacteria from 43 patients who had NAFLD. They also took gut samples from 48 healthy patients. About 60% of NAFLD patient had a high amount of alcohol producing bacteria. while only 6% of healthy people carry this bacteria in their gut.

‌ when researchers infected the gut of Mice with the same bacterium, their liver started scarring within 2 months. This does not  mean all cases of  liver diseases are caused by k. pneumoniae. The exact cause of auto brewery  syndrome is still unknown.

The human gut is sometimes described as the as the second brain, which is controlled by its own  complex nervous system. Gut microbes can change your behaviour. In mice Experiments, exchanging of gut microbes altered their behaviour. Cautious groups of mice showed enhanced bold behaviour.

‌ Bacteria in your gut can help against depression and anxiety. Gut microbiota from major depressive disorder patients is different than normal people.

‌ some bacteria in the gut help produce chemicals  called neurotransmitters. These chemical messenger help regulate our moods.  Serotonin is an antidepressant neurotransmitter. About 80% of serotonin is produced in the in the human gut.

Scientists now believe that a surprising number of  condition from appetite disorders and obesity to Arthritis and depression may initially start their their journey in the gut.

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