Breast Cancer Cells Converted Into Fat Cells To Prevent Metastases.


Yes it's true that we can now convert cancer cells into fat, to stop metastatic (spreading) behavior of cancer cells. 

After going through some changes, they gan the property of Plasticity and possibly can convert into any cell type. 

                       Breast Cancer Cell
(©National Cancer Institute 

It is discovered by the researchers from University of Basel.

The team of researchers were able to convert EMT derived (epithelial-mesenchymal transition) cancer cells into fat cells in the mouse model which prevented the formation of metastases.
The professor at the University of Basel Dr. Gerhard Christofori commented : “The breast cancer cells that underwent an EMT not only differentiated into fat cells, but also completely stopped proliferating.”


Breast cancer occurs when some of the cells starts dividing more rapidly than the normal or healthy cells do, and that causes the formation of lumps or mass of cells; which continues to grow abnormally, and they can metastasize (spread) through breast to lymph node and other target organs.
Due to this behavior, cancer cells form tumors and impair (damage) immune system and prevent the body from regular function.
Cancer cell can grow faster when they have more genetic damage than that of the less genetic damage.

fig. : fat cells are stained red and cancer cells are green in color because they contain ,’green fluorescent protein’ in mouse tumor(left). The cancer cells converted into fat cells in yellowish brown color (right) (image: © Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel)


Their major objective of research is to identify and characterize those cancer cell that overcome cancer therapies. In particular, they focused on molecular mechanisms based on the change from benign tumor (non-cancerous) to malignant (cancerous) cancer and metastatic dissemination of tumor cell.


They demonstrate that the breast cancer cell that undergo an EMT(epithelial-mesenchymal transition) becomes malignant (cancerous), metastatic and therapy resistant and exhibit high degree of stemness (i.e. the combination of ‘self-renewal’ and ‘differentiation’ capabilities ) also referred to as plasticity. Hence it is possible to convert or transform these cells into other type; in this case adipocytes.
They said the conversion of malignant breast cancer into adipocytes not only changes their differentiation status but also represses their invasive( attacking ) property and also the metastasis formation and their proliferation.
They are going to indicate the genes and pathways that allow the cancer cells to evade (escape) from therapy.

Metastasis of cancer cells

As soon as the cancer cell metastasize, they undergo some changes that allow the cells to separate from the lumps or initial tumors and spread to the target organ or lymphnode. At this time, the cancer cell becomes temporarily immature and gain the same properties as stem cells, this change is known as epithelial mesenchymal transition(EMT).
Due to this they gain the property of plasticity and can be changed into any cell type. This research is done on female mouse by transferring the human breast cancer cells into their mammary glands.


The female mouse having breast cancer cell is then treated with two drugs: rosiglitazone, which is used to treat type 2 diabetes and trametinib( an anti-cancer drug that inhibits the growth and spread of cancer cells.
The team of researchers found that, when the mice is treated with combination of both drug ; the cancer cell separated from initial tumor changed into fat and not only that but the dugs also suppressed the growth of tumor and prevented metastasis.
Breast cancer cells undergoing EMT is new and very effective idea with the aim of turning ‘bad’ into ‘good’

Also one question arises : How will body or our immune system react if this kind of mechanism takes place in it?

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  1. Nice information with good language. 💯💯

  2. Nice article, explained very nicely

  3. Easily understandable, well written.

  4. Nicely explainedl keep it up, waiting for another one.


  5. Nice article.
    explained very nicely👍
